Asked by: Ivanna Llario
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, buddhism
Last Updated: 20th Apr 2024

Who translated the Lotus Sutra into English?

It was the Translation by KumArajAva (343a413) that was the most influential in spreading the Sutra's teachings to East Asia.

What does the Lotus Sutra refer to?

?arAka Satra (literally "SAtra of the White Lotusof the Sublime Dharma") was one the most influential Mahayana sutras and the foundation on which the Tiantai and Tendai, Cheontae and Nichiren schools were founded.

Is the Lotus Sutra also authentic? The Lotus Sutra is the perfect example of this. It teaches both the path to enlightenment for all people and individual life situations. Benefit is the measure of authenticity. A medicine that works is authentic, regardless of any other factors.

You might also wonder, "What is the Mystic Law and Lotus Sutra?"

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When was the Lotus Sutra first published?

The Lotus Sutra was discovered in Gilgit, Pakistan. It is believed to be the oldest Buddhist manuscript found in India. It is believed to be one the most revered Buddhist scriptures. It contains the speech Buddha gave towards the end his life.