Asked by: Blay Prescott
Asked in category: science, geography
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

Which direction do latitude and longitude lines run?


Which direction are latitude lines running?

Parallels, or lines of latitude, run east-west around a globe. They are used to measure distances NORTH AND SOUTH from the Equator. The latitude of the North Pole, 1/4 of the distance around the globe if you go in a northerly orientation, is 90?N. This is the highest possible latitude.

What is the trick that will help you remember which direction longitude and latitude lines are? Associating different parts of a ladder with the terms will help you remember the difference between longitude and latitude. Lines are east and west. Latitude is HTML1. Remember to think of the rungs on a ladder, which sound a bit like latitude, that run across connecting the longer pieces.

This being said, what direction is latitude and longitude?

Latitude refers to the distance north or South of the Equator. It is represented as a number between zero and 90 degrees north or southern. Longitude refers to the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian. It is expressed as a number between zero and 180 degrees east/west.

What is the relationship between latitude and the Equator?

As they run parallel to the Equator, the imaginary lines that circle the globe in an east-west orientation are known as the lines of latitude. These can be used to measure distances north or south from the Equator. Lines of longitude (or meridians) are lines that circle the globe in a direction north-south.