Asked by: Xinxin Dubra
Asked in category: business and finance, gasoline prices
Last Updated: 19th Apr 2024

Which country has the largest ecological footprint per capita

The United Arab Emirates

Which country has the largest ecological footprint in this regard?

  • Qatar. Qatar has three times the carbon emissions per capita than the United States, making it the most polluting country in the world.
  • Kuwait. As firefighters and officials watch, black smoke is released from tires that have been burned in a dump.
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Denmark.
  • United States
  • Belgium.
  • Australia.
  • Canada.

What countries also have the lowest ecological footprints? Eritrea was the country that had the lowest ecological footprint after accounting for population.

Many people also wonder: Which country has the largest environmental footprint quizlet?

The per capita ecological footprint of the United States is six times greater than that of China (U.S.A.9.8 vs China.1.6). The total ecological footprint of the United States (2,810,000,000 hectares) is just slightly smaller than that of China (2,050,000,000 hectares).

Which 10 countries have the largest environmental footprints?

These are the top 10 nations with the highest Ecological Footprint per capita. They include Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates.