Asked by: Aguasanta Napoletano
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

What is the oldest rock in the world?


What is the oldest type rock?

First, let's clarify if we are referring to the oldest known mineral grain (Zircons), which is approximately 4.4 billion years old, or the oldest complete rock (Isua Greenstone Belt in Greenland, which is 3.8 billion years). While the first is a part of a sedimentary rocks, the second is metamorphic with a volcanic origin rock.

What is the oldest part of Earth? Geologists discovered the oldest part of Earthaa zircon, which is 4.4 billion years old. According to The Guardian, the microscopic gem is approximately twice as large as a human hair and was discovered on an Australian sheep farm.

A similar question could be asked: What was the first type rock on Earth?

The impact melting of small planetary bodies on each other, resulting in the formation of the Earth's first igneous rock (or the proto-Earth), is likely to have formed the Earth's first igneous rocks. These planetesimals were formed by the condensation of gas from a solar nebula before Earth existed and before the rock cycle.

What is the oldest known sedimentary rock?

Hall of Planet Earth. The 3.8-billion year-old Isua Sequence in southwestern Greenland is the oldest-known fossil rocks. These rocks were formed from sediments by chemical precipitation of ocean water.