Asked by: Al Cemborain
Asked in category: books and literature, young adult literature
Last Updated: 18th Apr 2024

What is the feud between the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons about?

Huck questions Buck about why he wanted Harney to die. Buck replies that the Grangerfords were in a feud against a nearby clan of families, called the Shepherdsons. Although no one knows the exact cause of the feud, at least two people were killed in the past year, including a 14-year-old Grangerford.

What do the Grangerfords represent and Shepherdsons?

These two families are a mirror of the North and South during the Civil War. The Grangerfords represent the South, while the Shepherdsons represent the North. We can see in his writings that he believed the Civil War was wrong and could be avoided.

You might also wonder, "What did Huck learn from both the Grangerfords' and the Shepherdsons?" According to Huck, the Grangerfords, and the Shepherdsons, Jack, the slave Huck was assigned, has little to do because Huck is used in taking care of himself. Buck and Huck get along well and enjoy spending time together. Huck soon learns about the Shepherdsons, another aristocratic family.

What does Huck Finn's feud symbolise in this context?

Finn. The family feud is a symbol of Civil War. Twain includes symbols in addition to his characters.

Who are the Shepherdsons of Huck Finn?

Shepherdsons - The Grangerfords' opposing family. They are the Grangerfords' enemy and responsible for Buck's death and those of his brothers. Buck: The youngest son of the Grangerford families. Buck becomes close friends with Huck.