Asked by: Mbarka Sarrudo
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 20th Apr 2024

What is the electronegativity trend where does hydrogen fit into the electronegativity trend for the other elements in the periodic table?

The electronegativity of Hydrogen increases from left to right on the periodic table, and decreases from bottom to top. The electronegativity of hydrogen is between B and C in row two, and the same as P in row three.

Similar questions are asked: What is the trend in electronegativity on the periodic table?

As you move from one period to the next in the periodic table, your electronegativity increases. Because the nuclear charge increases faster than the electron shielding as the period progresses, so the attraction of the atoms for the valence electrons also increases.

The electronegativity trend is also why it is so strong. As you move from one side to the other of the periodic table, electronegativity increases. This is due to an increased charge on the nucleus. The electron bonding pairs are attracted to atoms further right on the periodic tables. Fluorine is the most electron-negative element.

What is the trend in electronegativity, from top to bottom, within a group?

The electronegativity of a group decreases from top to bottom. This happens because electronegativity decreases as the atomic number of a group increases. There is a greater distance between the nucleus and valence electrons, or an atomic radius.

Which element has the highest electronegativity

The periodic table shows that electronegativity is predictable. The order of the periodic table shows that electronegativity is more common in groups than it is across periods. It also increases from the bottom to the top in each group. Fluorine is therefore the most electronegative element and francium the least.