Asked by: Yuqi Raves
Asked in category: education, homeschooling
Last Updated: 23rd Apr 2024

Is it necessary to pay for Florida Virtual School?

FLVS is free for residents of Florida FLVS Global School offers tuition-based FLVS courses to students who live in other states or outside Florida.

Is Florida Virtual School also free?

Students who are enrolled in courses through district franchises receive less funding from FLVS. FLVS is available to Florida citizens. FLVS Global School offers tuition to students who are not residents of Florida.

Another question is, "Can you get a Florida Virtual School diploma?" To receive a diploma from FLVS you must enroll in the FLVS Full-Time public school program. If you sign up with FLVS full time, you will not be considered a homeschooler. To earn a diploma, students can return to their zoned high schools in their senior year.

Is Florida Virtual School a good choice?

FLVS is great, even though I am a 6th grader who doesn't like school. They are both educational and enjoyable. They are easy to comprehend.

Is it possible to start Florida Virtual School during the middle of the school year?

Online middle and high school classes will allow you to take your education beyond the classroom walls. Students can enroll in FLVS Full-Time or FLVS Flex online to take courses at any time during the year.