Asked by: Pamella Muedra
Asked in category: medical health, ear nose and throat conditions
Last Updated: 20th Apr 2024

Is impacted ear wax dangerous?

A high level of earwax can lead to hearing loss and ringing in the ears. Vertigo can increase the chance of falling for some people, according to Jackie Clark, an American Academy of Audiology president.

Similar to the above, can impacted ear wax also be fixed?

Sometimes the earwax will disappear on its own over time. Earwax removal can lead to problems in rare cases. For people who cannot talk about their symptoms, providers may recommend removal. Dropping medicine into the ear canal to soften and gradually break down the earwax.

Ear wax can also be dangerous. Ear wax acts as a natural cleanser and has been tested for its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Earwax can be too much for some people. Earaches, infections, and other issues can be caused by earwax in the ear canal.

How do you get rid of impacted ear wax?

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

  1. The wax should be softened. You can use an eyedropper for a few drops baby oil, mineral oil or glycerin to your ear canal.
  2. Warm water is best. Use warm water after a few days.
  3. Get rid of any ear wax.

How can I tell if my ear wax has impacted?

The following are symptoms of earwax impaction:

  1. Hearing loss.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Ear pain
  4. Feel fullness or plugged.
  5. Ringing in the ears
  6. Drainage or itching from the ear canal.