Asked by: Masum Brandt
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

Is bonny best tomato determinate or indeterminate?

Tomato - Bonny Best (IND) Approximately 405 seeds per gram. This heirloom tomato is the best tomatoes to grow anywhere. Bonny Best is an indeterminate vine with a height of 122-183 cm (4-8'), and a spread of 50-61cm (20-24a).

Are Manitoba tomatoes considered determinate in this regard?

Description: Manitoba Tomato seed plants produce strong determinate plants that thrives in cold climates with short growing seasons. These bright red fruits are smooth in texture and have a firm, fleshy texture with a fresh, tangy taste.

What size tomatoes can Rutgers tomatoes grow? Rutgers tomatoes, a smaller variety (12-14 ounces) and globe-shaped variety, were created in the 1930s to make a delicious, versatile, and tasty fruit. This plant is an indeterminate cultivator and does not usually grow more than 36 inches. It takes 70 to 80 days to reach maturity.

How can you make money growing tomatoes?

Place 'Moneymaker" tomatoes in a well-drained area that gets six hours or more of sunlight daily. Plant seedlings higher than they are in their pots. The bottom set of leaves should be just below the soil surface. Place the plants approximately 3 feet apart in every direction.

What height can Manitoba tomatoes grow?

Height at maturity: 45-62 cm (16-24a) tall. Spread: 50-61cm (20-24a) across. From transplants, 65 days until maturity Watering: Tomato plants need to be watered regularly, especially if they produce fruit.