Asked by: Quiteria Mergenthal
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

How does Japanese knotweed impact house prices?

Japanese Knotweed, and the Property Market
The costs of treating knotweed as well as the stigma attached to it can have a significant impact on property values. This is often as high as 10-15%.

It is also important to find out if you can get a mortgage even though there is Japanese knotweed.

Lenders will not approve mortgage applications for properties with knotweed, even if it's found in a nearby garden. Although Japanese knotweed can make it harder to obtain a mortgage, it does not make it impossible.

Japanese knotweed can also cause damage to buildings. Japanese knotweed can grow to 10 cm per day. Because of its rapid growth, it can cause damage to buildings and substructures. It targets weak points such as cracks in masonry and attempts to grow through them. Knotweed can cause damage to foundations.

This is what you need to consider when deciding whether or not to buy a house with Japanese knotweed.

Japanese Knotweed properties are difficult to sell or buy because most mortgage lenders won't lend if the survey shows that it is growing. It can also be difficult to get rid of and can remain dormant for up to 20 years before coming back to life.

What should I do if my neighbor has Japanese knotweed in their yard?

Japanese Knotweed is not a legal problem if it grows on your neighbor's property. If it begins to encroach on your property, they can be sued for private nuisance.