Asked by: Mahah Bentley
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping, hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 26th Apr 2024

How do you propagate passion plant?

Take off the tendrils and bottom leaves, then dip the ends into rooting hormone. Stick the cuttings approximately half an inch (1 cm.). Place the cuttings in a well-draining mix of potting mix or a mixture of sand & peat. After watering, cover the container with a clear, ventilated bag.

Similar questions are asked: How do you propagate passion flowers vine?

Cuttings. Take tip cuttings approximately 6 inches long from softwood when the vine is actively growing during the spring. Cut below the second leaf of the shoot. Remove any tendrils and flower buds that may be attached to it. Dip the cutting in rooting hormone until the hormone reaches the stem.

Secondly, how deep do passion flower roots go? About 18-24"

How can I make my own rooting hormone, too?

Honey Rooting Hormone recipe

  1. Boil two cups water.
  2. You can add a tablespoon of organic honey to your recipe (or you can use processed honey if that's all you have).
  3. Mix all ingredients together and allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. Once the mixture is cool, dip the cuttings in it and continue the propagating process.

Can you root passion flower cuttings into water?

Take off the tendrils and bottom leaves, then dip the stem ends into rooting hormone. Stick the cuttings approximately half an inch into a well-drained potting mixture or an equal amount of sand & peat. Use water to lightly coat the cuttings. Cover with a clear, ventilated bag. Stick supports can be used to support the bag from the stems.