Asked by: Hassnaa Babanoff
Asked in category: medical health, surgery
Last Updated: 24th Apr 2024

How can you give spinal anesthesia to patients?

The needle in spinal anesthesia is placed between the lumbar vertebrae and the dura mater in the subarachnoid area. To reach this area, the needle must penetrate through multiple layers of tissue and ligaments, including the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments and the ligamentum flavum.

What are the side effects associated with spinal anesthesia?

Cesarean deliveries are often performed under spinal anesthesia. Hemodynamic changes, nausea, vomiting, headache, and back pain are the most common side effect. With a prevalence rate of 3.5%, neurological complications following spinal anesthesia can be temporary and rare.

What is Spinal Anaesthesia? Subarachnoid or Spinal Anaesthesia is a type of local or regional anaesthesia that involves the injection of an anaesthetic drug in the subarachnoid cerebrospinal Fluid Space (CFS). Figure 1 shows that the injection is made in the lumbar region of the L2/3 space or the L3/4 space.

What does spinal anesthesia actually feel like?

You can have a spinal anaesthetic only. With this option, you will be awake during the operation. However, you may feel some pressure or movement. This is normal.

What drugs are used for spinal anesthesia?

The most common local anesthetic agents used for spinal anesthesia in the United States are tetracaine and licoaine. bupivacaine is primarily used for obstetric and surgical procedures that last less than an hour.