Asked by: Chester Zekri
Asked in category: personal finance, government support and welfare
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

How can I get housing while on disability?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD), key programs that aim to provide affordable housing for persons with disabilities are:
  1. Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program.
  2. Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers.
  3. National Housing Trust Fund.

Additionally, are you able to get housing assistance for people with disabilities?

Answer. The Social Security Administration doesn't offer rent or housing assistance to anyone who is receiving Social Security disability (SSD), or SSI disabilities benefits. In recent years, many PHAs have made it a priority to provide housing for people with disabilities.

Another question that may be asked is, "Where do you live if your disability is permanent?" 5 Best Places To Live With Disability Income

  • Erie, PA. Pennsylvania is ranked high among the states with the highest number of Social Security beneficiaries.
  • Akron, OH.
  • Lawton, OK.
  • Muncie, IN.
  • Wichita Falls, TX.
  • It is difficult to find the best places to live with disability income.

How do you apply for housing for the disabled?

Public Housing is affordable housing for low-income households, seniors and people with disabilities. Contact a public housing agent to apply. Housing Choice voucher Program (Section 8) - Find your own home and use the voucher for rent payment. Contact a public housing agency to apply.

What are the best ways to get housing immediately?

Housing Assistance

  1. Get in touch with a local homeless service provider.
  2. Call 800-569-4287 to speak with a local housing counseling agency.
  3. Locate affordable rentals near you
  4. Receive assistance in home improvements
  5. Locate assistance in avoiding foreclosure near you, or call the Making Home Affordable hotline at 888-995-4733.