Asked by: Tirsa Scheppmann
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 19th Apr 2024

Cream cheese can go bad if it is not refrigerated.

Cream cheese should be kept at room temperature no longer than two hours. Cream cheese is made from fresh milk and can spoil easily. Set a timer next time you place cream cheese on your counter to keep track of its time.

How long can cream cheese that has not been opened be left unrefrigerated?

2 hours

Is cheesecake good even if it is not refrigerated? Cheesecake should be kept at room temperature no longer than 6 hours. That's quite a stretch. It should be at room temperature for about 6 hours.

So, Philadelphia cream cheese does not need to be refrigerated.

Kraft was merged in 1928 with Phenix Cheese Co. to produce Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Shelflife Advice states that refrigerated cream cheese should be kept below 40 degrees Fahrenheit for at least one month after expiration.

How long can Philadelphia Cream Cheese go unrefrigerated for?

It is not safe to eat cream cheese that has been kept out overnight. recommends that cream cheese has been left out at 40 degrees for more than four hours. After two hours at room temperature, cream cheese can be exposed to bacteria.