Asked by: Rikki Ferez
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 20th Apr 2024

Can you grow vegetables year-round?

All year long, vegetables are available. Even though plants burst into growth in spring, there are very few garden-fresh vegetable on hand. If you live further north, growers may need to wait until June or later to sow the first seeds.

Also, is it possible to grow vegetables outside of the season?

If you don't have protection or create a fake microclimate, growing vegetables outside of their season can be a disaster. Growing brocoli in warmer months can result in a lot more aphids, and very small heads. Keep it cool.

What also grows year-round? What grows all year?

  • Tomatoes. evegou/Shutterstock.
  • Peppers.
  • Eggplant.
  • Okra.
  • Chayote Squash.
  • Jerusalem Artichoke.
  • Horseradish.
  • Onions/Leeks.

You might also be interested in growing beans year-round.

Common beans are a warm-season crop. Broad beans can be sown from autumn to the end winter. However, it is possible to sow them only in warm areas. Runner soybeans do not grow well outside of the warmer regions. Common beans can be sown in spring, summer and fall. However, they can also be grown all year long in warmer climates.

Is it possible to grow tomatoes all year in a greenhouse

While tomatoes prefer the warmer spring and summer months for fruiting, you can grow tomatoes all year round in a small or medium greenhouse. Your tomato plants can produce fruit throughout the year by using different cultivars, and controlling the climate.